Robert Lenkiewicz

Robert Lenkiewicz
Robert Lenkiewicz was born in 1941 of Jewish parents who were refugees settled in England. Lenkiewicz''s formative years were spent in a small hotel in Kilburn, London where his parents supervised the care of a rather unusual clientele of elderly and frequently disturbed patrons. Lenkiewicz attributes his precocious interest in both art and philosophy to his experiences in this bizarre but rich environment, where he was "iniated into the business of living and an early awareness of death". His obsession with painting was evident at the age of 9 years when he produced pictures using brushes made from his own hair. Robert Lenkiewicz went on to study at Saint Martin''s School of Art and subsequently at the Royal Academy Schools. Then following a period of teaching in London he moved to the south west of England eventually settling into his present spacious studio on Plymouth''s Barbican.
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